Tuesday, May 27, 2008

For Sale?

"She parks her car outside of my house and
Takes her clothes off,
Says she's close to understanding Jesus."

-"Round Here" by Counting Crows

"The first will be last and the last will be first."


"If Jesus came back and saw what's going on in his name, he'd never stop throwing up."

-Woody Allen

"Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducess (religious leaders)"


"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."


"Love your neighbor as yourself."


How much of my life has been spent trying to acquire value? Identity? Love? Life? Acceptance? The crazy thing about the message of Jesus is that it speaks to the core of who we are as human beings and what we've created in a western culture. Our culture seems to say that you get value through your job...because of your kids...because you're married...because of what you own (house, car, assets)....because of...you get the picture. The message of Jesus speaks to a different reality. You have value because you are created and are a human being. You are loved and accepted, not because of your job...not because of working at a church...not because of your parenting skills...not because of what you own...not because of your spouse or family...you are loved and accepted because you ARE loved and accepted. That's God's "economy".

Have you ever met someone who wasn't impressed by people who were obviously trying to be impressive? Have you even met someone who was completely human and completely content in who they were? It's so foreign to most, if not all of us, to look at ourselves and others through the "valued and accepted" perspective, isn't it. It's so hard to believe for ourselves. How much energy has been spent in the pursuit of something that we've always had in God's economy?

Have you ever found yourself getting sleep...but not rest?

It's so beautiful to see people who are aware of their "be-lovedness". The game doesn't work. You learn to see through it. You see how it impacts people. You see how it's impacted you. You see how things could be. You see how things are meant to be. God loves you...just as you are. God loves you...and accepts you...and values you...just as you are....where you are. Just....as....you....are. It takes repetition to internalize it. We get the other message all the time...all day...in all avenues...sometimes from so-called "God" avenues. If you know people who have learned and are learning to live in this reality...hang out with them...listen...be. There's a much cooler story unfolding all around us. May we learn to see.

"Round here we're carving out our names
Round here we all look the same
Round here we talk just like lions
But we sacrifice like lambs
Round here she's slipping through my hands
Sleeping children better run like the wind
out of the lightning dream
Mama's little baby better get herself in
out of the lightning
She says It's only in my head
She says Shhh I know it's only in my head"

-"Round Here" Counting Crows

"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."


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