Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"In"courage thoughts....

*I've never had someone tell me "Quit encouraging me!" Not once. If it's sincere encouragment...I've never had it happen. I know I've touched on this before...Paul in the Bible said to "encourage one another and build one another up". There's a fascinating correlation with encouraging (putting courage into someone to be who they're created to be) someone and building them up. I've never met someone that said to me "I would like to be hopeless...that's what I'm shooting for in life." We want to believe better about ourselves. When others come along and believe what God has always believed and reinforce matters. It changes us. May that increase.

*Along the same lines, I think it's sad and fascinating that the times where we fully and wholly celebrate and properly remember a person's life and value is......after they die. Why not take the time to do that while people are alive and around to embrace it and enjoy it and soak it up. Can you imagine the impact on people if we did that more today? Interesting, nonetheless.

*I keep coming back to the life-changing and healing power of forgivness. It's amazing the amount of bitterness we can carry around and "unlove". It's also amazing how those realities can be tied back to simply not being willing to forgive someone....maybe ourselves. Much, much more on this later.

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