"On the corner of main street
Just tryin' to keep it in line
You say you wanna move on and
You say I'm falling behind
Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?
The teenage queen, the loaded gun;
The drop dead dream, the Chosen One
A southern drawl, a world unseen;
A city wall and a trampoline
Oh well I don't mind, if you don't mind
'Cause I don't shine if you don't shine
Before you jump
Tell me what you find when you read my mind
Slippin’ in my faith until I fall
You never returned that call
Woman, open the door, don't let it sting
I wanna breathe that fire again"- "Read My Mind" The Killers
"When there's nowhere else to run
Is there room for one more son
One more son
If you can hold on
If you can hold on, hold on
I wanna stand up, I wanna let go
You know, you know - no you don't, you don't
I wanna shine on in the hearts of men
I wanna mean it from the back of my broken hand
Another head aches, another heart breaks
I am so much older than I can take
And my affection, well it comes and goes
I need direction to perfection, no no no no
I got soul, but I'm not a soldier"
- "All These Things" The Killers
"The world that I see inside you
Waiting to come to life
Waking me up to dreaming
Reality in your eyes
Looking at you,
Holding my breath,
For once in my life
I'm scared to death,
I'm taking a chance,
Letting you inside."- "First Time" Lifehouse
"Truly I say to you, unless you repent (change your mind about what you think about God become like children [trusting, lowly, loving, forgiving], you can never enter (experience) the kingdom of heaven."- Jesus (Matthew 18:3)
"This mystery is very great."-Paul (Ephesians 5:32)
"It was God [personally present] in Christ, reconciling the whole world with Himself, not counting up and holding against [men] their trespasses [but cancelling them], and committing to us the message of reconciliation (of the restoration of all things)."- Paul (1 Corinthians 5:19)
I've been thinking a lot in the last month of cryptic creation. The idea that there are things both in us and all around us that inevitably lead us to a bigger story. Jesus says a lot of cryptic things. It's as if he enjoys leaving things out there, for you and I to fully dive into and discover. The mystery is out there to be embraced and discovered. Let me give a few snippets.
*Let's say that someone that you trust comes along and says "I know what your life looks like.I know what happens." Let's say that you really believe them and know they know what they're talking about and aren't missing medication. What would you say? Would you really want to know? Really? The people that I presented with this question said they wouldn't want to know. Next one.
*A friend sees that movie that you have waited expectantly to see. He comes to you, giddy, about his moviewatching experience. He begins to share. Now he's sharing too much and giving things away. What do you say? After all, if the movie sucks he could be saving you money and potential misery. Again, the people I presented with this scenario all said they would say "shut up, already" or slap the person on the head or both. Why? That's the real question and where the brilliance of Jesus comes in.
The truth is that as much as we like to know the answers, we love mystery. We want to discover is for ourselves. There is this core, created curiousity in us, gang, both of people and life. Typically, at what season of our life are we most curious
and open and loving and not worrying?
"You can't experience the kingdom of Heaven (how things are supposed tobe) unless you have faith like a child" - Jesus
The truth is that we die when we lose our curiousity, creativity, and questions with life. Maybe you grew up or are currently in a religious community or community environment that doesn't value questions. Maybe they see it as anti-spiritual or anti-Jesus. Jesus speaks in cryptic ways because, I believe, he understands that the people that are willing to be open and pursue it will and those who don't won't.
"Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened."
Maybe you remember a time where you were curious and alive and someone shamed you in the name of god. It killed your heart and you haven't been the same since. What if asking questions and honestly pursuing them was a sign of healthy spirituality? I believe that it is. It's our universal createdness, gang. Everyone thinks about things, but not everyone feels validated in that journey. So my question, to you is "What questions are you pursuing? What thoughts are you engaging? Are you owning your spiritual journey? Are you sharing your journey with others? Asking them the questions you're pondering?" I believe, we find what we're looking for, in the end. We find what we were created to discover.
Here's something I've been pondering a bit more lately. When I ask the question, "Do you think things are the way they're supposed to be?", I've had no one say "Yes, I love how everything's working so perfectly in the world." The question then is how do I know things aren't supposed to be this way. What's the core of that, the heart of it? We all know the moments, where we've been apart of something (a conversation, embrace,gathering, concert, service endeavor, whatever) and knew something bigger was happening. Those moments give hope. We feel alive. What if when we are involved in a moment that's "how things should be" or if we help make things right we are bringing something much bigger to life? God IS love.
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