Frankly, alot of stuff that Jesus says is both fascinating and crazy to me. The gospels say that Jesus often went about the countryside teaching the "kingdom of Heaven is at hand". Interesting statement. The phrase at hand can be translated as "around you to be experienced". The kingdom of Heaven is around you to be experienced. The way things are supposed to be. God's dreams for hand. I grew up in a "when we all get to heaven" religious concept, which certainly had it's benefits, but often ignored any creativity or real action in following our hearts to bring God's dreams to life.
How are things supposed to be then? I believe that we are all created with this core curiousity and sense of something bigger about life. I've asked the question to many friends, "Do you think things are they way they're supposed to be?" Every person has said "No, I don't". The next question is "How do you know things aren't supposed to be like this?" How do we know? I think that's absolutely fascinating. We have a soullish sense that things should be better.
What does God dream? What does God hope for? What do you I/you hope for and dream? For you life? Family? Friends? Community? The planet? I've yet to hear someone "dream" for pain and harm in these areas. I've met multiple people who really haven't thought about it but are open to chewing on it. What if when we pursue these hopes and dreams we are mystically bringing God's hopes and dreams into being? "The kingdom of Heaven at hand". I'm thinking about this alot lately. There you go.
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