"That will be the time
That everything will shine
So bright it makes u colorblind"
-"Diamonds and Pearls" by Prince
"I got my first real six-string
Bought it at the five-and-dime
Played it till my fingers bled
It was the summer of '69"
-"Summer of 69" by Brian Adams
There was a fascinating display last week. I believe it was Thursday night...incredible storms. Very windy. Intense to say the least. I woke up the next morning and it seemed that everything was more alive. Leaves and grass seemed more green. The sky was radiantly blue. Clarity.
So many times, it can seem, I think, that the storm is everything. I don't pretend to know all of the dynamics of why things happen when they do and how they do. I have experienced seasons that seem very much like that storm.
Minutes seem like hours. It can't end quickly enough.
I've also experienced that colorful seasons...seasons of life, real life, seem much more breathtaking and lovely and timely and hopeful after the stormy seasons.
Hours seem like minutes. We don't want it to end.
Maybe you're in a really stormy season right now. It might seem like it's gone on forever. My prayer is that you know deep within you...it's just a season. Days of life and color and hope are a few pages away. It seems that we appreciate and value and embrace those days more after we've went through the stormy seasons.
Maybe you're in a really "lively" season right now. You are finding life and pursuing things that give you life and ultimately others. You've living the reality of "being" loved by God. It's a good season. Embrace it. Fully. Share with others. Give life. Give hope. Live loved.
"I know the wind's so cold
I've seen the darkest days
But now the winds I feel
Are only winds of change
I've been through the fire
And I've been through the rain
But I'll be fine
'Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe
I can do anything
I've got strength of the soul
And no one's going to bend nor break me
I can reach any star
I've got faith of the heart"
-"Faith of the Heart" by Rod Stewart (couldn't find an actual live video so here's the song behind clips of the movie "Homeward Bound")
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