Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blessed Friction and the Heart of the Matter

"And you are reaching
Something that is beating
I can't believe I never noticed my heart before
Over and again
Racing out of my skin
I can't believe I never noticed my heart before
Til I noticed you, yeah."

"Noticed" by Mute Math

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear."


We don't change until the friction of the present is greater than the fear of the future. Countries don't change until the friction of the present is greater than the fear of the future. People don't change until....Families don't change until...I don't change until the friction of the present if greater than the fear of the future. We each have stories rooted in this reality. We each have been in season or moments in our lives where the friction is building...we know it. Maybe we believe we can't acknowledge it. The friction doesn't have to be similar in people. In fact one person's friction can be another person's future. At the end of the day, if we're honest with ourselves...we know what is...and we know what isn't.

Jesus was amazing a bringing awareness to this in people. He knew and valued the reality of friction for change in lives. Sometimes he would simply state what was "obvious" in lives. Other times he initiated friction in people and governments and empires. It's not a matter of friction in our lives...the question is what do we do when the friction builds and builds. What do you do? Do you walk through it?

Some people spend their entire lives running from questions...from friction. Why are you so angry? What do you feel like you're losing in forgiving? Why do you continue to enable people to abuse you (physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc.)? What are you afriad of? Why do you believe God believes that about you?

We can spend so much time talking about things that may not really be the things that really matter. The things that give life to us and others. The things that give freedom to us and others. It's been my experience that real life happens in the friction and the "life after walking through the friction" moments. If you've been through it...you know. Maybe you find yourself right there....right now. Maybe you found yourself there recently...a year ago...a month ago...2 years ago...and you know...you know. Maybe you have been angry or bitter or whatever for a long time...maybe you can't remember the last time that you experienced a season of life...a literal season...of...life....of love. But maybe deep down the thought that "I don't have to live like this" has not died. The fire still flickers.

Whatever the case we're diving in over the next 6-7 weeks at DC. Blessed friction and the heart of the matter is what we're calling the "dive". We'll look at these realities and more in our own lives. The hope is that life would happen. Love would happen. Awakening would happen. Hearts would beat. Hope would happen. I will be teaching most nights. Dr. Paul Fitzgerald (www.heartconnexion.org) will be teaching the last few nights in April. We're diving in. Details are below. Anyone is welcome.

Series: "Blessed Friction and the Heart of the Matter"
When: Wednesday Nights (7-8:30 PM)
Where: Henry Home (14606 S. Alden)

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Ben said...

Brad - Had fun bowling with you over at the Grace men's dealio. Enjoyed talking with you. I've gotta come and visit you all over at Olathe Life sometime.


Brad said...

Thanks bro. Cool to chat with you as well. We should grab coffee sometime.